


To say that the Japanese Anemone is one of the best fall flowers would be an understatement-it is the best. Here is a plant and flower with real charm, refinement, and sophistication.

The plant grows from 1 to 5 feet- tall, is erect and stately. Foliage is glossy and brilliant. Flowers are more or less saucer-shaped and vary from 2 to 4 inches in diameter, de­pending upon the variety: There are single; semi double, and fully double forms. Color ranges from the purest frosty white through soft rosy pinks to carmine: Anemones combine admirably with other perennials in the border. They may be used in the front of shrubs or associated with evergreens. They’re not grown from seed; obtain plants from nurseries and set in the spring.

Few such exquisite flowers can be so easily grown. Anemones thrive in all but the hottest and driest sections of the United States. They are hardy in the coldest sections if mulched with light leaves or straw during, the whiter wherever frost enters ground to a depth of a foot or more.

They thrive best in slightly shaded situations, and like especially the protection of Larger plants, a wall, or other sheltered spot. Good drainage is essential. The soil should be deeply prepared and organic matter incorporated. Unless the soil is already neutral or slightly alkaline in reaction, lime should be added. Failure to become established is due to a lack of lime. They are very late in breaking through the ground in the spring. Often it isn’t until late May that they show their heads. With careless cultivating you are likely to destroy a clump of these plants.

When you put them to bed for the winter, mark the area with stakes to help find them when you start garden world in the spring.

Mulch the plants and stake them. Because there’s danger of the buds being injured by early frosts, cover the plants when early frosts are forecast. After the plants have finished flowering, cut them to the ground and mulch the crowns with straw,

Anemone Japonica hupehensis has single flowers of aloft indescribable pink. Hupehensis superba is probably the largest form of this variety, with a lovely light rosy pink inside the reddish-pink outside. White Japonica alba often grows to a height of 3 1/2 feet. Queen Charlotte and Kremhilde, both pink, are valuable for the perennial border.

Tiny September Sprite is good for the rock garden or edging. September Queen has nearly double carmine-pink flowers on long stems and is especially free from insect injury.

Culture of Japanese Anemones is simple, once you are willing to meet their few requirements. Water is necessary in dry periods and if attended to will reward you with larger flowers

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