Trees with blue (glaucous) and silver foliage Broad-leaved ALNUS INCANA Leaves grey underneath. CRATAEGUS ORIENTALIS Leaves grey on both sides, deeply cut. EUCALYPTUS The tree has numerous species, but their hardiness over a long period is doubtful; E. gunnii is the best known. POPULUS ALBA The white poplar has white twigs and undersides of the leaves, the best form for […]
Trees with white, silver or yellow variegated leaves
Trees with white, silver or yellow variegated leaves These are all sports, perhaps occurring originally on one branch only, of normal trees that have been propagated vege-turns a rich yellow. GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS The large leaves turn clear yellow. LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA Variable, but in good specimens can be brilliant, purple to scarlet. LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA Leaves turn a good yellow. MALUS Apples […]
Trees with early flowers
Trees with early flowers ACER OPALUS The Italian maple has yellow flowers in early April. CORNUS MAS This has many small yellow flowers in February. PARROTIA PERSICA This bears very numerous small scarlet tassel-like flowers in February. PRUNUS ‘Accolade’ is a semi-double pink cherry flowering in March; P. conradinae is a cherry with scented white or pinkish flowers in late […]
Evergreen trees Broad-leaved
Evergreen trees Broad-leaved It is as well to remember that these often drop their leaves untidily in summer. ARBUTUS All species and hybrids. BUXUS All species and cultivars. EUCALYPTUS All species. ILEX I. x altaclarensis, I. aquifolium and their cultivars are evergreen hollies. LIGUSTRUM LUCIDUM A species of privet often reaching tree size, has handsome dark green, glossy leaves, and white […]
TREES FOR THE SEASHORE (Will withstand strong wind) DECIDUOUS Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Maple Acer rubrum. Red Maple Betula papyrifera Paper Birch Carpinus betulus European Hornbearn Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbearn Cratxgus oxyacantha English Hawthorn Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust Platanus occidentalis American Plane Tree Populus alba White Poplar Populus balsamifera Carolina Cottonwood Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen Prunus maritima Beach […]
Shade trees for the street side.
SHADE TREES FOR STREETS (Will withstand restricted city conditions) Acer Ginnala (for Narrow Street) Magnolia grandiflora (South) Magnolia Populus alba Bolleana (Narrow Street) White Poplar Populus nigra italica (Narrow Street) Lombardy Poplar Platanus acerifolia London Plane Tree Quercus borealis (Q. rubra) Red Oak Quercus coccinea Scarlet Oak Quercus falcata (South) Spanish Oak Quercus laurifolia (South) Laurel Oak Quercus macrocarpa Mossycup […]
TREES FOR DRY, SANDY SOIL* Acer campestre — Hedge Maple Acer Ginnala — Amur Maple Acer Negundo — Box Elder Acer tataricum — Tatarian Maple Ailanthus glandulosa — Tree of Heaven Betula alba — European White Birch Betula Maximowicziana — Monarch Birch Betula populifolia — Gray Birch Carya glabra — Pignut Populus alba — White Poplar Populus grandidentata — Largetooth […]
TREES WHICH THRIVE IN VERY WET SOIL DECIDUOUS Acer dasycarpurn. — Silver Maple — Acer Negundo — Box Elder — Acer rubrurn. — Red Maple — Alnus glutinosa — European Alder — Betula lutea — Yellow Birch — Betula nigra — River Birch — Betula populifolia — Gray Birch — Carpinus caroliniana — American Hornbeam — Carya ovata — Shagbark […]
Deciduous trees with exceptionally handsome foliage
Some deciduous trees with exceptionally handsome foliage AILANTHUS ALTISSIMA The tree of heaven has pinnate leaves sometimes 60cm (2ft) long. CATALPA The Indian bean-trees have heart-shaped leaves up to 25cm (l0in). GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS The Kentucky coffee-tree has compound pinnate leaves which may reach lm (aft) long and 60cm (2ft) wide. JUGLANS SIEBOLDIANA The walnuts all have handsome pinnate foliage, but […]
TREES WHICH WILL FORM GOOD WINDBREAKS DECIDUOUS Acer Ginnala Amur Maple Acer Negundo Box Elder Cratxgus mollis Downy Hawthorn Maclura pornifera Osage Orange Morus alba White Mulberry Populus alba White Poplar Populus balsamifera Balsam Poplar Quercus palustris Pin Oak EVERGREEN Juniperus virginiana Red Cedar Picea alba Canadian Spruce Picea excelsa Norway Spruce […]