Daphne Garland Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Daphne Garland Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Daphne Garland Flower

The Sweet scent of the Daphnes, together with the fact that one sort is evergreen and the other blooms in Midwinter, endears the Daphne to the lover of garden gems. These plants are really shrubs, but because of their low growth and general habit, they more closely resemble herbaceous perennials.


Daphne Cneorum (Garland Flower).
The bright pink, four-parted, fragrant flowers and evergreen leaves combine to make this plant truly beautiful. The plants arc hardly a foot tall and bloom in April and in October.

Daphne Mezereum (Spurge Flax),
not being evergreen, surprises us by producing lilac-purple flowers any time from February to April. This sort grows 3 feet tall.

Where to place a Daphnes

. The Daphnes are adapted to the border, although the Garland Flower is admirably adapted to a rock garden.

Planting instruction for Daphnes

They grow in full sun or partial shade and light soils. Give them protection in Winter.

How to propagate

One can layer branches of the Garland Flower in the Spring, but the Spurge Flax is not readily propagated by the amateur.

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