Growers Guide for Pot Marigold

A Southern European Plant That Is Popular in Garden and Greenhouse Showy annual plants from southern Europe belonging to the Daisy family, Compositive. They have simple alternate leaves and branching stems 1 1/2-2 1/2 ft. high, bearing large heads of […]

Annual Flower Garden Design – 8 Plants

Great simple Annual flower bed design for your yard. Below and Above a wall 1 . Verbena Crystal (white) 2. Centaurea Dusty Miller 3. Euonymous (evergreen, on wall) 4. Ageratum Blue Mink, and 5. Ageratum Fairy Pink 6. Celosia Yellow […]

CLARKIA, Annual Flower Information

CLARKIA (This is a native of our Western States and was first found by members of the Lewis-Clark Expedition. It was consequently named for Captain Wm. Clark) These lovely annuals are becoming better known each year. Two species are commonly […]