DIASCIA, Annual Flower Information

DIASCIA, Annual Flower Information


(From the Greek to adorn, refers to the beautiful flowers)

A dainty, little annual, Diascia barberae, is not a very showy flower, but one which will appeal to the true flower lover. The flowers are rosy pink with yellow-green spots in the throat. The flowers are lipped, being related to the Snapdragons , but have two spurs on the lower lips, and are arranged in clustered racemes. It grows one foot tall and resembles Alonsoa, but that genus is not spurred.

USE. M Case writes, “It is a dainty flower for my lady’s finger bowl or to color a vase of white Gypsophila.” It is ideal for the rockery, tiny and there will be a place for it in most gardens.

GENERAL. Sow seeds in September if one can bloom this in the greenhouse, other wise sow in March in a sunny window or hotbed.


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