Caryopteris – Blue Spiraea
This Blue Spiraea is another one of the good, Fall blooming plants. It is shrubby in nature, growing from 3 feet to 4 feet tall with small leaves and clusters of small, rich lavender-blue flowers. It begins blooming in September and continues until cut by the frost. The flowers are arranged in whorls at the axils of the leaves and bloom almost the entire length of the stem. Caryapteris Mastacauthus (incalla) is the common species.
UTILIZE. This plant is excellent to place in front of tall, white flowered perennials. It is sometimes grown in pots.
GENERAL. It requires protection in the Winter for it is liable to winterkill in the North, but with protection from the cutting north winds and good drainage, it will live through severe Winters. It requires sunshine and a sandy loam.
PROPAGATION. The branches root easily in water. It is propagated from seeds in the Spring or from cuttings taken from the plant in Summer or Fall.