Cimicifuga – Bugbane, Bugwort, Virginia Snakeroot, Black Cohosh
To all persons who are familiar with the common wild or native woodland plants, the Snakeroot is well known. This Snakeroot (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a very tall, late blooming plant, growing from 4 feet to 8 feet tall and flowering from July or August on. The large leaves are cut very deeply and the flowers, small, white, feathery and closely set, are borne on long stalks. Often over 18 inches of the stem is in bloom at one time. C. daharica has long spikes of creamy-white flowers in September and grows about 6 feet tall. C. simplex is the latest sort and does not bloom until October, and its graceful stems of white flowers are only 2 feet or 3 feet high. The long flowering stems of all the Snakeroots droop slightly and give the plant an appearance of dignity and stateliness. The buds are like large pearls.
UTILIZE. All of the Snakeroots are suited to moist and shaded positions, and because of- this, they naturalize themselves very easily along the edge of woodlands. The taller species are well suited for planting at the back of borders. All are good to use for cut flowers, but C. simplex is especially so, because its flowers last longer when cut.
GENERAL. Snakeroots like moist conditions which are partly shaded, but they will endure the sun. They thrive best in rich, leafmold soils.
PROPAGATION. They are propagated by division of the plant or by seeds sown as soon as ripe.