Growers Guide for Aucuba Japonica

Evergreen shrubs, 5-6 ft. high, with large, glossy, laurel-like green or variegated leaves and clusters of red fruits, each containing a single seed. The flowers are small and not showy, and male and female flowers are borne on different plants. […]

Why don’t my plants flower?

Why don’t my plants flower? Probably this plaintive question is raised oftener than any other that has to do with gardening. As likely as not, too, the complaining gardener will go on to say that he gives considerable attention to […]

How to plant a Plant.

What is a good Planting? The key to lasting landscape beauty lies in choosing the right plant& We’ve told you how to place plants to get a pleasant home grounds. Now your, final step is to decide on the plant […]

Ligularia – Perennial Plant, How to grow

  From the Latin ligula, a strap, referring to the strap-shaped ray florets (Cornpositae). A genus of about 80 species of herbaceous perennials, formerly included in Senecio but now placed in their own genus. These handsome members of the daisy […]

Pulmonaria – Perennial Plant, How to grow

How to Grow Pulmonaria Pulmonaria (pul-mon-air-ee-a) From the Latin pulmo, lung; derivation uncertain; either because the spotted leaves bore a resemblance to diseased lungs, or because one species was regarded as providing a remedy for diseased lungs (Boraginaceae). Lungwort. This […]