In the 70’s, my father would pack all of us in the station wagon, and drive for what seemed an eternity to visit my relatives. I was pretty young, but I can remember two details quite vividly. My brother getting […]
Growing tips for leafy green vegetables
LEAFY GREENS Lettuce leads the way among garden-grown greens and few vegetables are as easy to grow in the cool weather of spring and fall. Instead of trying to grow hard-headed iceberg types, fill your garden with the unusual colors […]
Spring Vegetable Gardening
In May gardening begins in earnest. April weather is too uncertain for many vegetables to be planted in the open and even early May cannot be trusted far. By the end of the month, however, practically the first planting of […]
Grow Your Own Peas
The pea is a vegetable which helps the soil, has an interesting history, is easy to grow, and is a more versatile food than you might know. It is loaded with helpful vitamins, protective phytonutrients that provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory […]
Growing and planting African and French Marigolds
Easily Grown Flowers for Gardens and Greenhouses Marigolds (Tagetes ) are annuals of great decorative value during the summer and autumn months. They are natives of Mexico and South America and belong to the Daisy family, Compositae. The name is […]
Growing facts for Beans and Peas
BEANS Beans include many types of snap beans, pole beans, and Southern peas, such as black-eyed types. Plant these in spring after all danger of frost has passed. Because they grow so fast, start beans from seed directly in the […]
Selecting the Correct Tree to Plant
Planting a tree takes a lot of thought. We may have to consider if we want a tree that is: Lets read more about to assist in understanding these factors. Trees decorative throughout the year Decorative bark and good foliage […]
How to grow spinach from seed
It has been estimated that a 10m (30ft) row of spinach supplies just about the right amount for a family of four during the summer months. But one sowing is not sufficient. Fresh young foliage is demanded and where spinach […]
How to Plant Blueberry bushes
How to Cultivate the Bushes That Yield This Delicious Berry The Blueberry is a native American fruit harvested from wild plants since the country was settled. About 1910 the late Dr. F. V. Coville of the United States Department of […]
How to grow a pea plant from a pea seed
Peas There are dwarf and taller pea varieties. Although plants of the short, dwarf varieties may be grown without supports it is the custom to provide all garden peas with supports of some sort. Twiggy brushwood of the height the […]