Shade Garden Designs for the home garden, Landscaping designs
Shade Garden Design
Tough perennials for underplanting a tree.
Helpful Hints
Plant this shade garden under th canopy of a mature shade tree or under the developing canopy of a newly planted Weeping Cherry.
To avoid damaging the tree’s roots, add a least six inches of well composted soil around the base of the tree before planting.
Use a posthole digger to make planting a quick and easy task.
Be sure to keep mulch or soil at least one foot away from the base of the tree trunk.
Shade garden design
a. Ajuga ‘Burgundy Glow’ b. Ajuga ‘Catlin’s Giant’ c. Alchemila ‘Selection’ d. Gallium odoratum e. Geranium sang. var. striatrum f. Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’ g. Hosta ‘Francee’ i. Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’ j. Lamium ‘Beacon Silver’ k. Lamium ‘Pink Pewter’ l. Platycodon ‘Sentimental Blue’