Alpine Gardening

Alpine Gardening

The Alpine Garden

These pages will provide data on rock and alpine gardening; how they are constructed and what type of alpines are easy to grow. I will be adding more data in the near future but if you can’t wait, please visit The Alpine Garden. The Alpine Garden provides several articles which will support any level of Alpine gardening. The Author has done an excellent job in organizing his site to educate you in all aspects of Alpine gardening .

Please see the Alpine Society homepage to join a local group. I recommend the small Alpine groups where they have a great seed exchanges and respectable bulletins. The top National/ World Organizations dues are to way to high and you even have to pay for seeds exchanges.

In closing, the number one club for me is: The Alpine Garden Club of British Columbia with a close second, Androsace Group. I recommend joining these groups.

Here are other Societies to obtain more knowledge or join one from these links:
dot.gif (1171 bytes) The Saxifrage Society
dot.gif (1171 bytes) Scottish Rock Garden Club
dot.gif (1171 bytes) New Zealand Alpine Garden Society
dot.gif (1171 bytes) Androsace Group
dot.gif (1171 bytes) American Primrose Society
dot.gif (1171 bytes) Rock Garden Club Prague, Czech Republic
dot.gif (1171 bytes) The North American Rock Garden Society
dot.gif (1171 bytes) Alpine Garden Society

Be sure to check out the LINK page to find more interesting information on Alpine or Rock gardening. This page has the most complete listing of all Alpine and Rock garden related links.

If you are looking for information about a certain Alpine plant, try the Alpine-L mailing list search engine. This page will provide you several methods to query your interest. Once the results are done, select the link and read the postings.

Listing of Alpine Plants and how to use

Alpines from Seed
Trough Recipes

Alpine Container Gardening

Alpine Plants List

Alpines for the Enthusiast
Alpine Nurseries
Alpine Societies

Free Garden Catalog


    William F Matthews

    Looking for Penstemon hardy to zone 5; I have seeds of Penstemon arabesque red sown but find that they are hardy to zone 7. I live just outside St. John’s Newfoundland in Canada which is zone 5a.

      Frederick Leeth

      You could ask the Alpine group.

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