The bold and hearty character of the Purple Cone Flower makes it a striking plant. The flowers are rosy purple with dark, stiff, quill-like centers touched with golden crimson. Echinacea purpurea is the common sort and is frequently listed in catalogs under Rudbeckia purpurea. Sometimes when plants are raised from seed objectionable muddy colors are obtained which are not worthy of a place in the garden. The plants grow 3 feet to 4 feet tall and bloom from July until frost. The leaves are large and thick.
Where to plant Echinacea
The drooping character of the rosy-purple petals give them a distinctive character in the border, although the color at best is difficult to combine with other flowers.
What to Consider
They will tolerate dry, sun-baked locations but are better in good soil.
How to grow
The easiest method of increasing these plants is to divide the clumps.
Echinacea – Purple Cone Flower

Something ate the petals on my echinacea flowers this summer, any ideas what it might have been?