Planting Colorful Chrysanthemums for Your Garden

Beautiful hardy Fall Chrysanthemums October and November are the months which marshal in the Chrysanthemums and if these months be cold and rainy, the flowers do not develop well, but if the days are warm and the nights frosty, but not freezing, these flowers are in the height of their glory. “All through the budding Springtime, All through the Summer’s […]

Sweet Woodruff, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Galium – Sweet Woodruff, Waldmeister Sweet Woodiuff (Galium odorata) is a small growing, graceful, sweet scented herb. It has small, white flowers and deep green, whorled foliage. The flowers and leaves when dried have an odor like new hay and when laid among clothes, perfume them and keep away insects. It grows from 6 inches to 8 inches high and […]

Cassia – American Senna, Indian Senna, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Cassia – American Senna, Indian Senna A hold perennial for large masses, Cassia marilandica is an attractive addition to the large perennial border. The flowers are pea-like, yellow, with a dark center and are borne in large clusters. The leaves are locust-like; that is, they are finely divided. The plants grow 4 feet to 5 feet tall and bloom in […]

Centaurea – Knapweed, Hardy Cornflower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

Centaurea – Knapweed, Hardy Cornflower, Hardheads, Mountain Bluet The Centaureas are some of the most graceful flowers to grow in any garden. The flower heads are like showy, ragged thistle blooms of bright red, deep purple, golden yellow and blue. They grow from 2 feet to 3 1/2 feet tall and bloom during the Summer months. SPECIES. The Golden Knapweed […]

Echinacea – Purple Cone Flower, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

The bold and hearty character of the Purple Cone Flower makes it a striking plant. The flowers are rosy purple with dark, stiff, quill-like centers touched with golden crimson. Echinacea purpurea is the common sort and is frequently listed in catalogs under Rudbeckia purpurea. Sometimes when plants are raised from seed objectionable muddy colors are obtained which are not worthy […]

Lychnis – Rose Campion, Mullein Pink, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

For the different parts of one’s garden there are many good varieties of Lychnis. Two of these are known as Agrostemma. Double Ragged Robin and Cuckoo Flower are both common names of Agrostemma, Lynchis Flos-cuculi. This plant, with narrow, grass-like, grayish foliage, grows from 12 inches to 18 inches high, forming a tuft, and producing many small, delicate, tassel-like flowers […]

Veronica – Speedwell, Perennials Guide to Planting Flowers

When Christ was laboring beneath the heavy cross, He faltered, and a maiden, St. Veronica, rushed forward to wipe the perspiration from His brow. The impress of His face was found upon her napkin. Such is the story of St. Veronica, and because the markings of some species of Veronica resemble a face, this flower was named after St. Veronica. […]