The home gardener can derive a genuine pleasure in growing herbs when they supply so many of one’s wants. This is especially true of a housewife who has her own kitchen garden.
Borage (Borago officinalis). The large leaves have a fragrant odor and add greatly when served with Lettuce in salads. The leaves are sometimes boiled like Spinach. The flowers are used in cool drinks and they also attract the bees.
Burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis). The leaves are used in cool drinks and in flavoring soups and salads.
Dill (Anethurn graveolens). The seeds have a pungent odor. Used for flavoring vinegar to make “dill pickles.”
Fennel, Florence (Faeniculum dulce). The leaf-stalks at the base of the stem are very large. These are fine in salads, the sweet flavor somewhat resembling that of Celery.
Fennel, Sweet (Fceniculam vulgare). The leaves are beautiful for garnishes; are also boiled in fish sauces.
Lavender (Lavandula vera). The leaves and flowers have a delightful perfume and a small bag of the dried flowers gives the linen a delicate perfume. Oils are also made from the true lavender.
Marjoram, Sweet (Origanum Majorana) The leaves and shoots are used for seasoning and are also dried for Winter use. Mint (Mentha piperita). The leaves and stems are used for flavoring and for the distillation of the essence of peppermint.
Sage, Common (.Salvia ofcinalis). The leaves and tops are used commonly in the seasoning of the stuffing for fowls and for dressings.
Tarragon, True (Artemisia Dracunculas). The leaves, either fresh or dried, are used for flavoring soups, pickles and vinegar. The finely chopped fresh leaves add greatly to salads.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). The leaves are used either fresh or dried for flavorings. This is also a good edging plant for the garden.
Boneset (Fapatoriurn perfoliatum). Tea made from the Boneset leaves is used for fever.
Catnip (Nepela Cataria). It is a well-established fact that cats delight in rolling among the leaves. The Catnip is said to be a good bee pasture.
Feverfew (Chrysanthemum Partheniam). This makes a good blood tonic.
Horehound (Marrubium vulgare). The leaves are used as a remedy for colds, for dyspepsia, and also for their tonic effect. Hyssop (Hyssopus Officinalis). The leaves and tops are used for Hyssop tea. This plant is also grown as a pot plant.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus ofcinalis). Rosemary tea gives relief to headaches.
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare). Tansy tea is used against worms and is generally used in bitters.
Wormwood (Artemisia valgaris). This is beneficial to poultry and should therefore be planted in every poultry yard.
GENERAL. All the herbs require a rather rich garden soil. If they are being grown for their seeds, the branches should be cut when the seed is ripe before it has a chance to fall away and scatter. When dried properly the seed should be stored. The stems and leaves, if they are to be dried, should be cut on a bright day when the leaves have matured; then tied in small bundles, dried quickly in the shade, and hung in paper bags in the attic until they are needed. They can also be kept in mason jars or tight fitting boxes. The roots should be washed thoroughly before drying. All the herbs except Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage and Wormwood, which are of a shrubby nature, should be cut back to a few inches from the ground and covered with straw or leaves during the Winter. These few plants should be cut to within 6 inches of the ground. All herbs need Winter protection.
PROPAGATION. Most herbs are easily raised from seed. Tarragon is propagated by division of the roots. The seed should be sown where the plants are to remain, and then the small plants can be thinned out later. It is best to plant them on a dull clay and water them carefully.
.Information on 75+ Perennials